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Jackie Misshula

I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit - from running lemonade stands, selling pop and water outside of a major golf tournament, to creating a gluten-free goods company at a farmer's market, and finally a yoga business.  My Dad started and ran his own company for as long as I can remember so it must be in my blood. Lewis (my husband and co-founder) and I both felt passionate about creating something, executing it, and making it our own - this is where our clothing company was born. Mo Green Clothing Co. is inspired by the adventures and experiences of our tiny human, Moses Calvin Greenspon.  And why not start something new while you have a brand new little baby?  #thisismatleave.

Although I absolutely loved (and still love as I'm off till October) maternity leave, I needed something outside of the 'baby world' to focus on. I found the time at home long (don't get me wrong, I loved when he finally learned to nap), but I was used to being out much more and having more flexibility in my life and schedule. I used this downtime to channel Mo Green and have enjoyed the challenge - along with the even bigger (and life-altering!) challenge of raising our little man.  I started by borrowing my mother-in-law's sewing machine and I began making baby pants. I hadn't sewn since my grade eight home economics class and even though I wasn't very good at it,I enjoyed being creative and using a different part of my brain. My friend Elizabeth helped me out (and has since opened her own Etsy store) and is a much better sewer than me. With all the newfound pants for Moses (and all his friends), I found it hard to find shirts for him that I loved. I wanted something unique, hip, and functional. I found a lot of clothing was gender specific and had sayings that errked me like "Mommy's Little Hunk" (no offense if you like that saying). I put the sewing machine away and started thinking of our favourite sayings and the stories behind them. Our first collection was created! The pants are now 'vintage' as I've retired the sewing machine, but the process did inspire me to be creative. 

Every shirt that we create has a story and a positive message that we are excited to spread. It is important to us that our clothing is locally curated, designed, and printed in Canada.  We also ensure that our products are high quality, sustainable, organic, and made in North America. Moses tried on a lot of shirts before we decided on the final pieces.

We believe in giving back to our communities so a percentage of proceeds from every sale are donated to charity.  We have a goal of donating over $100,000 by 2021 and think that anything is possible. It's not just about making high quality clothing, but we want to be responsible in all aspects from where we buy from, who designs it, where we produce it, and how we give back to the world.

The first 5 designs are with our stories, but going forward, we want to hear your stories and what inspires you.  Share your ideas with us and we could choose your submission for our next shirt - we want to collaborate. 

We are still learning every day and want to proactively thank you for all of your support. Please share your feedback and send us emails anytime as we want to hear from you. I'm trying to balance this crazy new world of motherhood while starting a new's a fun adventure and I can't wait to share more in the coming weeks & months.  This is what maternity leave is all about.


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