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The Game of Life

Lewis Greenspon

To this point I’ve been behind the scenes of Mo Green Clothing Co. and I’m excited to have an opportunity to share what the experience has meant to me so far. Since early in our relationship, Jackie and I have shared an entrepreneurial spirit. But it wasn’t until the birth of our son Moses that we found our true inspiration. As Moses just celebrated his first birthday and I look back on the past year, I’m exceptionally proud of my family, especially Jackie, and almost dumbfounded by how much we accomplished and endured.

For all of the amazing things that happened this year, we were also hit with some challenges, the biggest of which was the recent discovery of a malignant tumor on my right kidney (Not to worry, it's under control and I'm having surgery to remove it this December). You think that having your first child will put everything into perspective...well I can tell you that cancer will immediately help you find more.  This discovery was pretty life changing and was the motivation I needed to make some better lifestyle choices.  

So what do you do when faced with the biggest challenge in the game of life? You “Play for Keeps” so you can do “What you Want” because “Winners Win” (our 3 newest designs that I created). And that’s the inspiration for our newest line (with both men & kid's t-shirts) and the mantras for how I plan to live my life and teach Moses how to live his.  

Lastly I’ll say that designing this collection was really fun and allowed me to be creative in new and different ways - I realize they are quite different from our first collection, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to contribute some of my favorite sayings and the stories behind them. A special thanks to my friends Rob and Andrew for their advice and help along the way. These two have been by my side for almost 20 years and know what it means to “win”.  I’m excited to share our latest designs and finally have some Mo Green that I can wear and match with Moses.  

Since we give back with every shirt we sell, we have decided to support the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation with this collection as this place is now close to our heart and where I'm receiving care.  They are helping to change the world with their cancer research.  Thank you in advance for your ongoing encouragement with our company and with my personal journey.   


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